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  • EZFB-001 REST API, Caching strategies, Differences Between API Gateway and Load Balancer, Diagram as Code

EZFB-001 REST API, Caching strategies, Differences Between API Gateway and Load Balancer, Diagram as Code

Recap on system design for this week:

  • REST API Architecture style

  • Caching strategies Part 1 (5 strategies)

  • Differences Between API Gateway and Load Balancer

  • Linux commands. Part 1 (37 commands)

  • Diagram as Code

1. REST API Architecture style

1.1. Message formats:

  • XML

  • JSON

  • Other

1.2. ✅ Advantages:

  • Stateless: Scales easily

  • Cacheable: Improved performance

  • Uniform Interface: Standardized use

  • Scalable: Supports high request volumes

  • Interoperable: Works well with HTTP

  • Simple: Uses standard HTTP methods

  • Widely Adopted: Many resources available

1.3. ❌ Disadvantages

  • Over/Under-fetching: Fixed data returns

  • Multiple Endpoints: More requests for complex data

  • Versioning Issues: Changes can break clients

  • Limited Flexibility: Fixed data structures

  • Performance: Multiple trips for complex data.

  • Stateful Limitations: Not ideal for real-time operations

  • Nested Resource Complexity: Harder to manage nested data

1.4. 📋 Use cases

  • Web Applications. Backend for web apps with CRUD operations.

  • Mobile Apps. Backend support for mobile app data needs.

  • Public APIs. Offer services to third-party developers.

  • Integration. Connect different systems or services.

  • Content Delivery. Distribute content to various platforms.

  • Data Storage. Backend for apps needing database access.

  • E-Commerce. Manage products, orders, and user accounts.

  • Social Media Platforms. Handle user data, posts, and interactions.

  • IoT Devices. Communicate with and manage IoT devices.

  • Legacy System Interface. Modern interface for older systems.

❓ What API architecture style are you guys currently utilizing in your system?

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